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Our office relies on OrthoBanc in the service we provide to our patients. We have had an excellent experience and will continue to utilize OrthoBanc and the dedicated customer service team to help our practice grow. Thank you to the staff at OrthoBanc for all your dedication and support in daily operations and attention to customer service. We, at the office of Dr. Gary A. Kellam, sincerely appreciate and thank you all!

Gary Kellam, Albuquerque, NM

Complete Management of Your Accounts

OrthoBanc handles all aspects of the payment for orthodontic treatment including patient contact and follow up regarding NSF transactions and expired credit cards.


It has been established that auto drafting is the preferred payment method for many consumers, but implementing this process into an orthodontic practice can be challenging. To provide the most flexible payment drafting options for your patients, you need to make auto drafting available via check or credit card.

While most banks and some other companies offer software to handle checking account drafts, this requires careful management. Your staff will have to set up accounts in the software, remember to run transactions weekly or monthly, and keep up with all failed transactions as they trickle in over time. Failed transactions must be resubmitted. Doing so without first making contact with the patient can result in subsequent failures and bank fees that are costly both to the practice and to the patient.

Credit card processing comes with similar challenges. This typically requires purchasing credit card authorization software. After obtaining credit card information from your patient they must sign an authorization form permitting the monthly draft. A member of your staff must initiate the drafts, often manually, on the date(s) chosen by your patient/responsible party. Once again, payment failures for over limit cards or expired cards must be handled by the staff and the drafts resubmitted.

In addition to establishing a drafting schedule, choosing someone to initiate the drafts each month, and determining the "rules of engagement" for failed transactions, other considerations must be given. Familiarity with the very specific rules governing auto drafting is a must. These rules address changing payment amounts, changing draft dates, appropriate charges for NSF fees, etc. Your office must also decide how to handle weekends and holidays when selected draft dates fall outside of the work week.

While implementing auto drafting into your practice is an important step, the obstacles mentioned above often keep offices from making the option available to their patients. OrthoBanc has the solution.

Solution: OrthoBanc's Professional Payment Management

Outsourcing payment management is the solution to the auto drafting dilemma. Success stories abound in practices from coast to coast. Delinquencies are down, staff productivity is up, and practices are saving time and money. OrthoBanc can help your practice meet the payment preferences of the savvy consumer while overcoming the obstacles of auto drafting.

By outsourcing your payment drafting to OrthoBanc, your staff is relieved of creating coupon books, preparing monthly statements, handling payments received by mail, making bank deposit runs, processing manual credit card payments, and answering questions about patient payments. You also are able to present your patient with the option of checking account draft or credit card draft without creating extra work for your employees. We handle all aspects of your payments including contact with patients whose transactions fail, obtaining new expiration dates on cards that expire during the payment period, and keeping your office fully informed of payment progress.